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Old Testament : philology

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Old Testament : philology Empty Old Testament : philology

Message par Admin Sam 31 Déc - 12:27

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Outlines of special introduction to the books of the Old Testament : with an introductory statement upon Old Testament philology (1897)

Author: Lansing, John Gulian, 1851-1906

PDF 13.43M (248 pages)

Messages : 2561
Points : 5503
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011

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Old Testament : philology Empty Old Testament canon and philology : a syllabus of Prof. Green's lectures : Printed - not published - exclusively for the use of the students of the Junior class in Princeton seminary (1889)

Message par Admin Sam 31 Déc - 12:33

Author: Green, William Henry, 1825-1900

PDF 13.9M (324 pages)

Messages : 2561
Points : 5503
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011

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Old Testament : philology Empty Re: Old Testament : philology

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