Apprendre les langues arabe et française
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Le papillon

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Le papillon Empty Le papillon

Message par le papillon Dim 6 Mai - 18:51

hi everyone

how are you?

my name is Maya.I am from middle east, from Oman

i would like to know more about french language.

i'll be thankfull for your help.

i'm still beginner.

but i want your instruction of how to learn new language step by step.

i always faced difficulty in spelling.

awaiting for your feedback


le papillon

Messages : 1
Points : 3
Date d'inscription : 25/04/2012
Age : 36

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Le papillon Empty Bienvenue !

Message par Mansour Dim 6 Mai - 19:05

Salam Maya et bienvenue !

Here you can write in arabic or english. You can ask for info and even, help us to build arabic-french lesson.

First you need to memorize the 26 french letters. Click : here

Then we need to know 2 verbs : être et avoir

We start with être, which is the verb for description (statment), here : être

First exercise
Just copy the conjugation of the verb être au présent (مضارع).

Note :
Naturally, you need to know the personal pronouns : 6. As in arabic, we have هو and هي for the third person. So use these 2 genders.

Messages : 7671
Points : 14598
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011
Localisation : Ile-de-France

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