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arabe - Hadeel - Page 19 Empty Re: Hadeel

Message par Invité Dim 14 Juil - 18:25

We talk of the word dîner before. It is verb as well as a noun in french. The english exercise seems to ignore that to dine (for to eat a dinner by the evening) is also a verb.

Dîner (to dine) = eat a meal by the evening.

But imagine the dinner was not eaten, and remains for the next morning, we can say "J'ai mangé ce matin les restes du dîner d'hier soir".


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arabe - Hadeel - Page 19 Empty Re: Hadeel

Message par Hadeel Lun 15 Juil - 0:03

I have this  sentence which was in the last exercise and I still  don't know how to write it in french :

I used to study a lot. 

How can I write it in french?

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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arabe - Hadeel - Page 19 Empty Re: Hadeel

Message par Hadeel Lun 15 Juil - 0:30

You wrote :
Amazing, it's the opposite : no need auxiliary for l'imparfait in french, while in arabic yes, and no need auxiliary for arabic passé composé, but needed in french

what do you mean of the auxiliary in arabic? what is it in the arabic passe compose ?

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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arabe - Hadeel - Page 19 Empty Re: Hadeel

Message par Invité Lun 15 Juil - 1:39

Hadeel a écrit:I have this  sentence which was in the last exercise and I still  don't know how to write it in french :

I used to study a lot. 

How can I write it in french?

The verb to use have a latin root and meaning. It goes in two directions (with closed meaning) :


In a sort, they have a connexion : more we use something, more we نَهَكَ it.

In english, the concept is أَبْلَى (utiliser), a regular way to do something, and with the meaning of habits, repetion manner.

I used to study a lot.
J'avais l'habitude de beaucoup étudier.

But in french, l'imparfait express habits, so : J'étudiais beaucoup.

What do you mean of the auxiliary in arabic? What is it in the arabic passé composé ?

كان may be incomplete or complete. Here more infos (in french) :

L'imparfait in arabic need an auxialiry, كان :

[سورة البقرة 2.134]
وَلاَ تُسْأَلُونَ عَمَّا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ
On ne vous demandera pas compte de ce qu'ils faisaient.

كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ = two words + pronom

Ils faisaient = One word + pronom

Is it clear ?

While the ماضي is :

فَعَلُوا = One word + pronom
Ils ont fait = Two words + pronom

Note in english, to render l'imparfait we use as in arabic, an auxiliary : He was doing. Note also the second part is a participe présent in english, and مثضارع verb in arabic. Same operation.

Linguistic : This is another proof that european language coming from Indo-european languages is a myth. About lexic, but even in conjugation.


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arabe - Hadeel - Page 19 Empty Re: Hadeel

Message par Hadeel Lun 15 Juil - 2:57

Every thing is clear now , thank you.

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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arabe - Hadeel - Page 19 Empty Re: Hadeel

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