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English Conjugation of the Verb: "To Go"

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English Conjugation of the Verb: "To Go" Empty English Conjugation of the Verb: "To Go"

Message par NoorAlIslam Mar 5 Mar - 19:07

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

This video will help you to conjugate the common
English Verb: "To Go"

Verb: To Go

Present Tense
I am going to the store.
You are going to the store
He is going to the store
She is going to the store
It is going to the store
We are going to the store
They are going to the store

I go to the store
You go to the store
He goes to the store
She goes to the store
We go to the store
They go to the store

When I go to the store, I buy bread.
When he goes to the store, he buys bread
When John goes to the store, he buys bread.
When John and Martha go to the store, they buy bread.
They go to the store to buy bread

When the dog goes to the store, he drinks the water.
When we go to the store, we buy bread and water

Yesterday I went to the store.
You went to the store
He/she went to the store
It went to the store
We went to the store
They went to the store

I will go to the store
You will go to the store
He/she/it will go to the store
We will go to the store
They will go to the store

Desire Future
I want to go to the store
You want to go to the store
He wants to go to the store
She wants to go to the store
It wants to go to the store
We want to go to the store
They want to go to the store

Conditional Future
I might want to go to the store
You might want to go to the store
He might want to go to the store
She might want to go to the store
It might want to go to the store
We might want to go to the store
They might want to go to the store.

I don't want to go to the store
I do not want to go to the store
You don't want to go ..
He doesn't want to go to the store
She doesn't want to go to the store
We don't want to go to the store
They don't want to go to the store.

You can learn more from the ESL EFL English as a Second Language with Teacher Phil. TOEFL and TOEIC practice. Fluent native speaker American / Canadian Accent / accent reduction.

Messages : 29
Points : 81
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2012

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