Verbs in Arabic language
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Verbs in Arabic language
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
What are the verbs in the Arabic language?
The Verbs in the Arabic Language are divided to 3 types:
- فِعْل مَاضٍ (Fe"al Madei) means Past Verb, as كَتَبَ (kataba) for masculine (he wrote) or كَتَبَتْ (katabat) for a feminine (she wrote), and as لَعَبَ (laeba), masculine, or لَعَبَتْ (laeba) feminine, and it means he/she played.
- فِعْل مُضَارِع (Fe'al Muddare') or Hadder means Present Verb, as يَكْتُبُ (yaktubu) masculine (he writes) or تَكْتُبُ (taktubu) for feminine (she writes), and as يَلْعَبُ (yala'bu) for masculine, or تَلْعَبُ (tala'bu) for feminine, and it means he/she plays.
- فِعْل أَمْر (Fe"al Amr), Command Verb, as اُكْتُبْ (oktub) for masculine 2thrd person singular, and اُكْتُبِي (oktubei) for feminine, and it means write! and as اِلْغَبْ (illabb) 2thrd person singular masculine, and اِلْغَبِي (illabei) feminine, for Play!.
NoorAlIslam- Messages : 29
Points : 81
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2012
The verb "ask" in arabic and its conjugation : سأل
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Here the place for your grammar subject. Also, take profit of this tool, and copy it. Just replace the verb you want to show.
3ème pers. | 2ème pers. | 1ère pers. | |||||
pl. | duel | sing. | pl. | duel | sing. | pl. | sing. |
سَأَلُوا | سَأَلَا | سَأَلَ | سَأَلْتُم | سَأَلْتُمَا | سَأَلْتَ | سَأَلْنَا | سَأَلْتُ |
سَأَلْنَ | سَأَلَتَا | سَأَلَتْ | سَأَلْتُنَّ | سَأَلْتِ |
This verb have hamza is its middle, so it is named المَهْمُوْزُ and its form me be irregular, the hamza changing its form. It is the case in the passive form : سُئِلَ (he was questioned).
Invité- Invité
The verb to ask in arabic سأل : the present
- Verb (with bab a-a) سَأَل (he asked).
- Infinitive noun: سُؤَالٌ (asking).
- Tense: المُضَارِعُ.
3ème pers. | 2ème pers. | 1ère pers. | |||||
pl. | duel | sing. | pl. | duel | sing. | pl. | sing. |
يَسْأَلُونَ | يَسْأَلَانِ | يَسْأَلُ | تَسْأَلُونَ | تَسْأَلَانِ | تَسْأَلُ | نَسْأَلُ | أَسْأَلُ |
يَسْأَلْنَ | تَسْأَلَانِ | تَسْأَلُ | تَسْأَلْنَ | تَسْأَلِينَ |
This verb have hamza is its middle, so it is named المَهْمُوْزُ and its form me be irregular, the hamza changing its form. It is the case in the passive form : سُئِلَ (he was questioned).
Invité- Invité
Classification of Arabic verbs
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Le clavier arabe sur son ordinateur, cliquer ici.
منصور- Messages : 3050
Points : 3783
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2013
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Apprendre les langues arabe et française :: Étude / دراسة / Study / Estudio :: Arabic studies / Estudio de la lengua árabe :: Arabic studies for english speakers :: Grammar / قواعد :: Verb
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