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arabe - Hadeel - Page 66 Empty Re: Hadeel

Message par Hadeel Jeu 31 Oct - 3:04

In the first one you mean that سخريا is the مطلق and the connector is  حتى ? and the best connector is حتى ?
Yes It seems a good translation, but until now I can't find the word سخريَّ as a مصدر. 

I will try to find another connectors, I think I can find.

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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arabe - Hadeel - Page 66 Empty Re: Hadeel

Message par منصور Jeu 31 Oct - 12:54

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

سِخْرِيٌّ is a مصدر I even bring you the definition.

سخري - سِخْرِيٌّ :
[ س خ ر ] . ( مصدر سَخَرَ )

سِخْرِيٌّ in the qura'nic verse, it is simply a مفعول به but I think it's short view. It appears that in some case, the arabic grammar don't offer enough precision. And in other part, the french one can be refined too (example, the notion of noun action).

Messages : 2850
Points : 3505
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2013

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arabe - Hadeel - Page 66 Empty Re: Hadeel

Message par Hadeel Jeu 31 Oct - 23:58

و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته

First I want to say a note about this translation :
جدتي تتألم من ساقيها تألما فهي لم تعد قادرة على المشي
The sentence in this way is not right and there is a problem, we can write it like this :
جدتي تتألم من ساقيها تألما شديدا فهي لم تعد قادرة على المشي

I tried to search in the same site which you bring the meaning of سخريَّ to find another connectors, I found these ( but I don't know is this what do you need ) :
في النّتِيجَة , فَعَلَيهِ , لِذَلِكَ , لِهَذا , وعَلَيهِ , بِالتّالِي , بِالتّبَعِيّة , بِالنّتِيجَة , بِناء عَلَيه , عَلَيهِ , فَـ , لِذا , مِن أجلِ ذَلِكَ , مِن ثَمّ , مِن هُنا
I think all of these give the meaning of the consequence.

Nice adding on the top of the forum  ( The inspiring Ayah ).

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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arabe - Hadeel - Page 66 Empty Re: Hadeel

Message par منصور Ven 1 Nov - 0:22

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

As we start to say, tellement is شدّ and I really think it is useless in the sentence because the مطلق have the same root than the verb conjuguate (تتألم تألما) and means naturelly شديد on the root of both.

حَتَّىٰ أَنسَوْكُمْ ذِكْرِي

Here we have a good example : حَتَّىٰ = tellement que. Then, une proposition verbale is coming.

في النّتِيجَة , فَعَلَيهِ , لِذَلِكَ , لِهَذا , وعَلَيهِ , بِالتّالِي , بِالتّبَعِيّة , بِالنّتِيجَة , بِناء عَلَيه , عَلَيهِ , فَـ , لِذا , مِن أجلِ ذَلِكَ , مِن ثَمّ , مِن هُنا

Merci ! Need to collect now arabic sentences, and study the strructure. With the french sentences of the exercise, could you translate them with the more suitable connector above ?

The verse post in Title is about Cognition, step in the Creation of Adam عليه السلام ?

بسم اللّه الرحْمن الرحيم

خَلَقَ الْإِنسَانَ
Il a créé l'homme.

عَلَّمَهُ الْبَيَانَ
Il lui a appris à s'exprimer clairement.

[سورة الرحمن 55.4]

Messages : 2850
Points : 3505
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2013

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arabe - Hadeel - Page 66 Empty Re: Hadeel

Message par Hadeel Ven 1 Nov - 0:37

Merci ! Need to collect now arabic sentences, and study the strructure. With the french sentences of the exercise, could you translate them with the more suitable connector above ?
I have here two questions :
1- When you say : need to collect now arabic sentences, is this mean that you need or I need ?
2- About the translating I can't understand what do you mean of : the more suitable connector above ?

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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arabe - Hadeel - Page 66 Empty Re: Hadeel

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