Apprendre les langues arabe et française
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Arabic Learning Step by Step EASY way

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Arabic Learning Step by Step EASY way Empty Arabic Learning Step by Step EASY way

Message par Mohammed Aijaz Mohiuddin Jeu 1 Oct - 4:55


Dear All,

Let us together pray the below Dua.

“Oh our Lord, increase our love towards each and every single letter of Quran, each and every single vowel sign of Quran, each and every single word of Quran, each and every single verse of Quran, all the chapters of Quran and towards the Arabic Language. Aameen”.

Please download the below document and read it daily 15 minutes.

Inshallah, Allah will help us to learn Arabic Language.

Thank you and Jazakallah-U-khairan

Mohammed Aijaz Mohiuddin

Messages : 2
Points : 6
Date d'inscription : 29/09/2015

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