Apprendre les langues arabe et française
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Educational tool for arabic learning

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Educational tool for arabic learning Empty Educational tool for arabic learning

Message par منصور Lun 17 Nov - 12:26

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

How are you all?

I'm making a new Arabic game which teaches people how to speak Arabic sentences.

You can take a look here:

A brother is going to design it soon so it should look alot neater. Probably something like this:

Educational tool for arabic learning ?ui=2&ik=e986067006&view=fimg&th=149a97404753708c&attid=0

Please check it out and play with it.
(please dont share it publically on other sites because it is incomplete yet).

If you like the idea behind it, then please tell me if you would like to get involved in the  translating of it to other languages.

The translation will be easy. You will only have to translate short words like 'he', 'she', 'them', 'horse' etc. in your language. It will not be a big translation project. It will be one word translations only.

I know that from you are; Spanish, French, Bengali, Urdu, Tamil and Uzbeki and even Arab translators. We want to translate this game into many languages so people can learn to speak Arabic in many languages as possible!

If you are interested, please reply to me :) we can then discuss the next steps. Also please share me your feedback about whether you like the game or not. :)

جزاكم الله خيرًا and Thank you all for your time.

Message for our brother of Linguistic Miracle ( )


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Messages : 2809
Points : 3456
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2013

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