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Arabic Learning Asisstance Document

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Message par Mohammed Aijaz Mohiuddin Mar 29 Sep - 12:47


Dear All,

Let us together pray the below Dua.

“Oh our Lord, increase our love towards each and every single letter of Quran, each and every single vowel sign of Quran, each and every single word of Quran, each and every single verse of Quran, all the chapters of Quran and towards the Arabic Language. Aameen”.

Please download the below document and read it daily 15 minutes.

Inshallah, Allah will help us to learn Arabic Language.

Thank you and Jazakallah-U-khairan

Mohammed Aijaz Mohiuddin

Messages : 2
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Date d'inscription : 29/09/2015

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Message par منصور Mar 29 Sep - 14:16

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

وجزاك الله خيرا

Ameen to your dua'.

We could open, if you want, a full section for these lessons ; one thread per chapter.

Here the Contents

Preface and About the Author 8
Note to the Reader 10
Book Features 12
Tanveen (Seq # 1) 13
No word for 'a' and 'an' (Seq # 2) 14
Indefinite Noun and Definite Noun (Seq # 3) 15
ال will not be preceded with person names nouns (Seq # 4) 17
Sun letters and Moon Letters (Seq # 5) 18
Marfoun, مَــنْــصُــوْبٌ and Majroor (Seq # 6) 20
Default case of any noun is مَرْفُوعٌ (Seq # 7) 22
Feminine gender Nouns (Seq # 8) 24
Part of the body with pairs are feminine (Seq # 9) 26
Parts of speech in the Arabic language (Seq # 10) 26
Triptotes and Diptotes (Seq # 11) 28
Ending of a Diptote noun is Fatah in case of مَنْصُوب and مَجْرُور (Seq # 12) 31
First two categories of Diptotes (Seq # 13) 32
6 Detached personal pronouns (Seq # 14) 35
Prepositions, heavily used topic in Quran (Seq # 15) 38
Behavior of Diptote with Preposition (Seq # 16) 41
Prepositions when with Pronouns (Seq # 17) 43
Vocative Harmony, Jaar Majroor case of “for” preposition with attached pronoun (Seq # 18) 44
Jaar Majroor with other attached personal pronouns (Seq # 19) 46
همزة الوصل و همزة القطع (Seq # 20) 50
مُضَاف مُضَاف إِلَيه (Seq # 21) 52
The difference between "Book of a student" and "Book of the student" (Seq # 22) 55
Examples of Muzaaf Muzaaf iliahi (Seq # 23) 57
Muzaaf Muzaaf ilaihi with pronouns (Seq # 24) 58
Understanding Ya-Mutakallim (Seq # 25) 60
Explaining Preposition + pronoun = jaar majroor, Noun + pronoun = Muzaaf Muzaaf ilaihi (Seq # 26) 61
Preposition before Muzaaf Muzaaf ilaihi (Seq # 27) 62
Adverbs (Seq # 28) 64
ظَرْف مُضَاف إِلَيْهِ (Seq # 29) 65
Demonstrative Pronouns (Seq # 30) 67
Relative Pronouns (Seq # 31) 69
Particle of Conjunction (حَرْفُ عَطْفٍ) (Seq # 32) 70
Effect of conjunction وَ on subsequent words (nouns) (Seq # 33) 71
Chain of Muzaaf Muzaaf ilaihi (Seq # 34) 73
Concept of Mabni (Seq # 35) 75
Learning 14 Personal Pronouns (Seq # 36) 77
Jaar Majroor with 14 pronouns (Seq # 37) 81
Muzaaf Muzaaf ilaihi with 14 pronouns (Seq # 38) 82
Specialty of five attached pronouns of هُوَ , هُما, هُمْ , هُمَــا , هُنَّ (Vocative harmony) (Seq # 39) 84
No corresponding word for the English word ‘it’ (Seq # 40) 84
Introduction to Arabic Plurals (Seq # 41) 85
Sound Masculine Plurals (Seq # 42) 87
Sound Feminine Plurals (Seq # 43) 89
Broken Plurals (Seq # 44) 90
All the broken plurals are treated as feminine singular (Seq # 45) 92
Duals (Seq # 46) 93
Adjectives (Seq # 47) 94
No Arabic word for ‘is’ (Seq # 48) 96
Introduction to Nominal sentence (Seq # 49) 97
Subject (اَلْــمُــبْــتَــدَأُ) is always مَــرْفُــوْعٌ (Seq # 50) 99
Difference between a Sentence (جُــمْــلَــةٌ) and a phrase (شِــبْــهُ جُــمْــلَــةٍ) (Seq # 51) 100
5 types of Predicate (خَبَـرٌ) (Seq # 52) 101
One word predicate (Seq # 53) 102
مُضَاف مُضَاف إليهِ comes in the position of subject or predicate (Seq # 54) 105
Prepositional phrase as a predicate (خَبــَرٌ) (second type) (Seq # 55) 106
Adverbial phrase as a predicate (خَبــَرٌ) (third type) (Seq # 56) 108
Khabar can come before in nominal sentence (Seq # 57) 110
Nominal sentence as Predicate (fourth type) (Seq # 58) 111
Verbal sentence as Predicate (fifth type) (Seq # 59) 113
Difference between "This book" and "This is a book" (Seq # 60) 114
Simple grammatical analysis of arabic statements (Seq # 60A) 116
Vocative particle يــَا (Seq # 61) 119
Interrogative particle (هَلْ and أ) (Seq # 62) 123
Adding Emphasis to the sentence by ل (Seq # 63) 124
إِنَّ , the particle of emphasis and Nasbin (Seq # 64) 126
إنَّ when joins with 14 pronouns (Seq # 65) 128
Ladder slider game of إِنَّ and ل (Seq # 66) 131
Triple emphasis (Seq # 67) 132
Sisters of إِنَّ (Seq # 68) 133
Grammatical analysis (GA) of few Quran verses (Seq # 68A) 135
Usage of أَمْ and أَوْ (Seq # 69) 137
Few more categories of Diptotes (Seq # 70) 139
Which (أَيُّ) (Seq # 71) 140
Comparative and superlative degrees (Seq # 72) 141
Interrogative particle مَــا (Seq # 73) 142
Answering the question with بَــلَى and نَــعَــمْ (Seq # 74) 143
Duals of demonstrative pronouns هَــذا, هَــذِهِ, ذَلـِـكَ and تِــلْــكَ (Seq # 75) 145
Duals of relative pronouns الَّــذِي and الَّــتِي (Seq # 76) 146
Introduction to verbal sentence (Seq # 77) 147
Introduction to Three radicals (or letters) (Seq # 78) 148
Transitive verbs and Intransitive verbs (Seq # 79) 150
Characteristics of the Root of the verb (Seq # 80) 151
Important Baabs (Chapters) of verb (Seq # 81) 152
Understanding Baab فَــتَــحَ session # 1 (Seq # 82) 153
Understanding Baab فَــتَــحَ session # 2 (Seq # 83) 156
Understanding Baab فَتَحَ session # 3 (Seq # 84) 158
Understanding Baab فَتَحَ session # 4 (Seq # 85) 160
Understanding Baab فَتَحَ session # 5 (Seq # 86) 162
Putting together all the things learned from the last 5 topics (Seq # 87) 164
Practice session for the Verb Past tense (Seq # 88) 168
Mutaharrik Pronouns and Saakin Pronouns for the Past tense (Seq # 89) 172
Understanding Baab فَتَحَ present tense (مُضَــارِعٌ) (Seq # 90) 174
Practice session for the Verb Present tense (Seq # 91) 179
Mutaharrik Pronouns and Saakin Pronouns for the Present tense (Seq # 92) 185
Revisiting the topic “Verbal sentence as Predicate (fifth type) for Nominal sentence” (Seq # 93) 186
Unique Characteristics of second letter (ع كَلِمَــةٌ) (Seq # 94) 188
Few sample verbs from Baab Fataha (فَــتَــحَ) (a-a group) (Seq # 95) 192
Few sample verbs from Baab Nasara (نَــصَــرَ) (a-u group) (Seq # 96) 194
Few sample verbs from Baab Zaraba (ضَــرَبَ) (a-i group) (Seq # 97) 197
Few sample verbs from Baab Sami`a (سَـمِــعَ) (i-a group) (Seq # 98) 200
Particle of futurity , Future tense (Seq # 99) 202
Importance of Vowel signs, Understanding ذهــبــت (Seq # 100) 203
Joining pronouns to the verbs (Seq # 101) 203
Protection noon ن (Seq # 102) 205
Protection alif ا (Seq # 103) 206
Mafoulin bihi along with the doer تُــمْ (Seq # 104) 207
Verbal sentence cannot have two doers (Seq # 105) 207
Moods of the verb (Seq # 106) 209
Imperative tense (فِــعْلُ أَمْــرٍ) (Seq # 107) 211
Prohibitive لا (Seq # 108) 214
Negative particle for past, present and future (Seq # 109) 216
Negative particles (لَــمْ and لَــمَّــا ) (Seq # 110) 218
The particle أَنْ and ل (لامُ الْتَــعْــلِــيْــلِ) (Seq # 111) 219
Masdar مَــصْــدَرٌ (Seq # 112) 220
Masdar Muawwal ( مَــصْــدَرٌ مُــؤَوَّلٌ) (Seq # 113) 221
Special verb لَيْسَ and مَــا (مَــا الْــحِــجَــازِيَّــةُ) (Seq # 114) 223
Hope or fear by the verb عَــسَــى (Seq # 114A) 226
Understanding relative pronouns again (Seq # 114B) 226
Grammatical analysis (GA) of few Quran verses (Seq # 114C) 228
Introduction to Weak verbs (Seq # 115) 230
Tips for understanding Weak verbs (Seq # 116) 230
الْــمِــثَــالُ verbs (Seq # 117) 231
الأجْــوَفْ verbs (a-u group) (Seq # 118) 235
الأجْــوَفْ verbs (a-i group) (Seq # 119) 243
الأجْــوَفْ verbs (i-a group) (Seq # 120) 247
الْنَّــاقِــصْ verbs (past tense) (Seq # 121) 250
الْنَّــاقِــصْ verbs (present tense) (Seq # 122) 254
الْنَّــاقِــصْ verbs (Imperative tense) (Seq # 123) 257
AlMuzaafu (الْــمُــضَــعَّــفُ) verbs (Seq # 124) 258
Classification of verbs (Seq # 125) 263
Laam of command (or request) for third and first person (Seq # 126) 265
Special verb رَأَى (Seq # 127) 266
Special verb أَتَــى (Seq # 128) 269
Doer (اسْــمُ الْــفَــاعِــلِ) (Seq # 129) 272
Noun for the object on which the action done on (Seq # 130) 273
Noun of place and time (Seq # 131) 274
Noun for instrument (Seq # 132) 276
Revisiting the Nominal sentence structure (Seq # 133) 277
Interrogative Nouns (Seq # 134) 278
Mubtada can be indefinite (Seq # 135) 279
Order of Mubtada and Khabar (Seq # 136) 280
Revisiting the Verbal sentence structure (Seq # 137) 281
Adverbs In detail (Seq # 138) 281
Words acting like an Adverb (Seq # 139) 283
Words قَــبْــلُ and بَــعْــدُ (Seq # 140) 284
Usage of verb كَــانَ in Nominal sentence (Seq # 141) 285
Sister of كَــانَ (لَا يَــزَالُ) (Seq # 142) 286
As for as, أَمّــا (Seq # 143) 287
Taking oath ‘by’ (وَ) (Seq # 144) 288
Circumstances ( (الْــحَــالُ (Seq # 145) 289
Five Nouns (الْاسْــمَــاءُ الْــخَــمْــسَــةُ) (Seq # 146) 290
Plural of اِبْــنٌ (Seq # 147) 292
Duals and sound masculine plurals when becomes Muzaaf (Seq # 148) 293
Word for Both (كِــلا) (Seq # 149) 294
Word for another (Seq # 150) 296
Hope or fear (لَــعَــلَّ) (Seq # 151) 296
Extra min (مِــنْ الــزَّائِــدَةُ) (Seq # 152) 297
Taukeed (الــتَّــوْكِــيْــدُ) (Seq # 153) 298
Manqoos Noun (الْــمَــنْــقُــوْصُ) (Seq # 154) 299
Understanding فَــاعِــلٌ for Naaqis verbs (Seq # 155) 301
Jazam for Demand (Seq # 156) 302
Introduction to conditional sentences (Seq # 157) 303
Particle of Unfulfilled condition (لَــوْ) (Seq # 158) 303
Another adverb إِذَا (Seq # 159) 305
The word إِنْ and its sisters (Seq # 160) 306
Circumstances when Jawab (answer to condition) takes ف (Seq # 161) 308
When (لَــمَّــا) (Seq # 162) 309
A word about أُوْلَئِكَ, تِلْكَ and ذلِكَ (Seq # 163) 310
A word about لَــكِــنْ (Seq # 164) 310
A word about إِنَّــمَــا (Seq # 165) 311
Even if (وَ لَــوْ) (Seq # 166) 311
Masdar Mu`awwal (II) (Seq # 167) 311
“But for/Because of” (لَــوْ لَا) (Seq # 168) 312
Negative Laam for entire genus (لا) (Seq # 169) 313
Intensive form for اِسْــمُ الْــفَــاعِــلِ (Seq # 170) 315
Usage of preposition فِــيْ with the verb دَخَــلَ (Seq # 171) 316
Meaning of surprise by اِذَا (Seq # 172) 317
Two objects for ظَــنَّ (Seq # 173) 317
A word about the verb جَــعَــلَ (Seq # 174) 318
Partitive مِــنْ (Seq # 175) 319
Revisiting the badal concept (differentiating pronoun) (Seq # 176) 319
Separate/detached and attached pronouns (Seq # 177) 321
Usage of separate pronouns (مَــنْــصُــوْبٌ case) (Seq # 178) 323
Introduction to mazeed (الْــمَــزِيْــدُ) verbs (Seq # 179) 325
Some general rules for understanding mazeed verbs (Seq # 180) 326
Form-II (بَــابُ تَــفْــعِــيْــلٍ) (Seq # 181) 327
Extensive and Intensive action property of Form-II (Seq # 182) 332
Form-III (بَــابُ فِــعَــالٍ) (Seq # 183) 333
Form-IV (بَــابُ إِفْــعَــالٍ) (Seq # 184) 337
Making intransitive verb into transitive verb (Seq # 185) 342
Special verb أَرَي (Seq # 186) 344
Some more sisters of كَــانَ (Seq # 187) 345
Form-V (بَــابُ تَــفَــعَّــلٍ) (Seq # 188) 346
Form-VI (بَــابُ تَــفَــاعُــلٍ) (Seq # 189) 349
Form-VII (Seq # 190) 352
Form-VIII (بَــابُ اِفْــتِــعَــالْ) (Seq # 191) 354
Changes in Form-VIII (Seq # 192) 357
Form-IX (Seq # 193) 358
Form-X (Seq # 194) 359
Four letter verbs (Seq # 195) 362
Mazeed verbs for base four letter verbs (Seq # 196) 363
Introduction to Passive voice (Seq # 197) 364
Passive voice for Saalim verbs (Seq # 198) 365
Passive voice for Mithaal verbs (Seq # 199) 367
Passive voice for Ajwaf verbs (Seq # 200) 368
الْــمَــفْــعُــوْلُ الْــمُــطْــلَــقُ (Absolute object) (Seq # 201) 369
Understanding Energetic ن session # 1 (Seq # 202) 371
Understanding Energetic ن session # 2 (Seq # 203) 372
Understanding Energetic ن session # 3 (Seq # 204) 373
Understanding Energetic ن session # 4 (Optional usage) (Seq # 205) 375
Understanding Energetic ن session # 5 (Compulsory usage) (Seq # 206) 375
Understanding Energetic ن session # 6 (Near Compulsory usage) (Seq # 207) 376
Learning more about Diptotes (Seq # 208) 376
References for future reading (Seq # 209) 377
Answers to the exercises 378


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Date d'inscription : 26/09/2013

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Message par Ibn Nacer Mer 30 Sep - 20:24

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
وأنتم فجزاكم الله خيرا

Welcome to this forum.

Ignore my private message, I sent it before seeing your message.

Ibn Nacer

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