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أسماء الله الحسنى Names of God (asma' Allah al-husna)

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أسماء الله الحسنى Names of God (asma' Allah al-husna)  - Page 2 Empty 99 Beautiful Names of Allâh

Message par Admin Sam 19 Nov - 18:42

Website : 99 Beautiful Names of Allâh

(click on any number for detailed definition and audio recitation)

The Just, The Equitable29

The Forgiver, The Effacing82

The One, The Only One67

The Last, The End and Ultimate74

The Highest, The Exalted36

The All-Knowing, The Omniscient19

The First, The Pre-Existing73

The Supreme Glory, The Most Grand33

The Mighty, The Eminent8

The Wonderful Originator, The Awesome Inventor95

The Everlasting, The Ever-Present96

The Maker from Nothing, The Evolver12

The Gracious Benefactor, The Source of Goodness79

The All-Seeing, The All-Perceiving27

The Expander, The Unfolder21

The Hidden, The Inner76

The Corrector, The Distresser91

The Lord of Majesty and Generosity85

The Opener, The Revealer18

The All-Forgiving, The Absolver14

The Forgiving, The Pardoner34

The Self-Sufficient, The Independent88

The Guide, The Leader on the Right Path94

The Preserver, The Protector38

The Judge, The Arbitrator28

The Perfectly Wise, The Most Judicious46

The Forbearing, The Calm-Abiding32

The Praiseworthy, The Laudable56

The Truth, The Only Reality51

The Accounter, The Reckoner40

The Ever-Living, The Alive62

The Restorer, The Repairer9

The Majestic, The Glorious41

The Gatherer, The Uniter87

The Greatest, The Most Great37

The Generous, The Bountiful42

The Inner-Aware, The Reality-Knower31

The Humbler, The One who Softens22

The Creator, The Planner11

The Subtle, The Gracious, The Refined30

The All-Glorious, The Majestic48

The Noble, The Generous65

The Master of the Kingdom84

The Ruler, The King 3

The Preventer, The Defender90

The Firm, The Steadfast54

The Delayer, The Postponer72

The Starter, The Beginner, The Originator 58

The Disgracer, The Dishonorer25

The Bestower of Wealth, The Fulfiller of Needs89

The Protector, The Bestower of Security7

The Reckoner, The Appraiser57

The Giver of Life, The Reviver60

The Restorer, The Renewer59

The Bestower of Honor, The Strengthener24

The Fulfiller of Prayers, The Responsive44

The Remover of Fear, The Giver of Tranquility6

The Creator of Death, The Life-Taker61

The Avenger, The Inflictor of Retribution81

The Expediter, The Promoter71

The Nourisher, The Sustainer39

The Equitable, The Just86

The All-Determining, The Prevailing70

The Fashioner, The Bestower of Forms13

The Supremely Exalted, The Most High78

The Supremely Great, The Perfection of Greatness10

The Creator of Good, The Auspicious92

The Light, The Illuminator, The Enlightenment93

The Withholder, The Restrainer20

The Able, The Empowered, The Capable69

The Ever-Dominant, The Conqueror15

The Inexhaustible Strength, The Supremely Strong53

The Self-Existing, The Self-Subsisting63

The Holiest, The Most Pure 4

The Exalter, The Uplifter23

The Most Merciful, The Most Compassionate2

The Lovingly Beneficent, Most Kind and Gracious1

The Watchful, The All-Observing43

The Appointer to the Right Path, The Director98

The Kind, The Tenderly Merciful and Consoling83

The Supplier, The Provider17

The Patiently-Enduring, The Long-Suffering99

The Source of Peace, The Flawless5

The Satisfier of All Needs, The Eternal68

The All-Hearing, The Ever-Listening26

The Witness, The Testifier50

The Most Grateful, The Most Appreciative35

The Acceptor of Repentance, The Oft-Forgiving80

The Loving-Kindness, The Most Affectionate47

The Liberal Bestower, The Giver of Gifts16

The One, The Manifestation of Unity66

The Finder, The Resourceful64

The Trustee, The Advocate52

The Sole Governor, The Friendly Lord77

The Protecting Friend, The Nearby Guardian55

The Inheritor of All, The Supreme Heir97

The All-Embracing, The All-Pervading45

The Manifest, The Evident75

Messages : 2568
Points : 5510
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011

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أسماء الله الحسنى Names of God (asma' Allah al-husna)  - Page 2 Empty Re: أسماء الله الحسنى Names of God (asma' Allah al-husna)

Message par ala' Sam 7 Jan - 19:14

Thank you my brother .I'll help you ,إن شاء الله this days I have holiday and I will be online every day


Messages : 4
Points : 8
Date d'inscription : 03/11/2011

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أسماء الله الحسنى Names of God (asma' Allah al-husna)  - Page 2 Empty Re: أسماء الله الحسنى Names of God (asma' Allah al-husna)

Message par Admin Sam 7 Jan - 19:28

ala' a écrit:Thank you my brother .I'll help you ,إن شاء الله this days I have holiday and I will be online every day

إن شاء الله

بارك الله فيك
The best way to learn a language is to translate. For this, we need knowledge in صرف and a dictionary closed to us.
You can enter in discussion on all the topic, in arabic and even with your english skill.

Actually, I work on a dictionary of Islamic locution. I hope we could enter deeply in the meaning of these words, bring verse, hadith or classical poems using and reflecting all these locution. Today, I worked on جنب and all derivated. Very interresting !


Messages : 2568
Points : 5510
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011

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أسماء الله الحسنى Names of God (asma' Allah al-husna)  - Page 2 Empty Re: أسماء الله الحسنى Names of God (asma' Allah al-husna)

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