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Early Arabic Grammarians and Quranic Reading Styles

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Early Arabic Grammarians and Quranic Reading Styles  Empty Early Arabic Grammarians and Quranic Reading Styles

Message par Admin Dim 22 Jan - 10:41

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


The thesis of this paper is that Arabic syntactic investigation originated in the study of Quranic reading styles. This position evolved from the investigation of the writing of Arabic grammarians in the first 150 years after the Hijra, e.g. Yahya Ibn Ya'mar, Abdullah Ibn Ishaq, and Issa Ibn Omar AI-Thaqafy. Grammarians such as these utilized such concepts as syntaogmatic relations and semantic refer-ence for justifying their positions concerning certain Quranic reading styles they adopted.


Messages : 2565
Points : 5507
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011

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