4 participants
Apprendre les langues arabe et française :: Étude / دراسة / Study / Estudio :: Ouvre ton cahier d'élève / فتح دفتر الطالب / Open your student notebook / Abre tu cuaderno de estudiante
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I am beginner in French language
I want to learn French because I love to learn languages.
I want to learn French because I love to learn languages.
Dernière édition par Kana le Lun 30 Avr - 17:23, édité 2 fois
Kana- Messages : 22
Points : 24
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2012
Age : 33
Localisation : Kurdistan-Iraq
Re: Kana
Salut !
Ok let's go to the very basic, just to see what you know in french.
First step, we have to see the use of the verb for description : le verbe être.
In arabic, we don't need verb for description. We start with مبتدأ and go directly to the خبر.
Memorize perfectly the conjugation of le verbe être in the present : here
We have a verb (être) then we need a subject to work with it.
1. Training and exercice
I gave you noun and you give me a correct pronoun for it. If i said you :
Maryam and Fatima >
Ahmad and Yusuf >
Maryam and Kana >
Mansour and Ahmad >
Sonia and Ahmad and Fatima >
Maryam and Fatima and Yusuf >
2. Using the verb être, the noun above and these following adjectives, build 3 sentences :
Vieux (masc.) / vieille (fem.)
Jeune (masc. or fem.)
Petit (masc.) / petite (fem.)
Grand (masc.) / grande (fem.)
Ok let's go to the very basic, just to see what you know in french.
First step, we have to see the use of the verb for description : le verbe être.
In arabic, we don't need verb for description. We start with مبتدأ and go directly to the خبر.
Memorize perfectly the conjugation of le verbe être in the present : here
We have a verb (être) then we need a subject to work with it.
Let choose subjet :
Sonia (6 years old)
Yusuf (8 years old)
Abd el Qadir (32 years old) and his wife Maryam (30 years old)
Ahmad and his wife Fatima (70 years old both of them)
We add Kana > prounon > je and Mansour > tu
Listen and memorize the pronouns : here
1. Training and exercice
I gave you noun and you give me a correct pronoun for it. If i said you :
Maryam and Fatima >
Ahmad and Yusuf >
Maryam and Kana >
Mansour and Ahmad >
Sonia and Ahmad and Fatima >
Maryam and Fatima and Yusuf >
2. Using the verb être, the noun above and these following adjectives, build 3 sentences :
Vieux (masc.) / vieille (fem.)
Jeune (masc. or fem.)
Petit (masc.) / petite (fem.)
Grand (masc.) / grande (fem.)
Dernière édition par Mansour le Sam 16 Juin - 11:19, édité 4 fois
Mansour- Admin
- Messages : 7669
Points : 14596
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011
Localisation : Ile-de-France
My name is Gashaw.
Maryam and Fatima > elles
Ahmad and Yusuf > ils
Maryam and Kana > nous
Mansour and Ahmad > vous
Sonia and Ahmad and Fatima > elles
Maryam and Fatima and Yusuf > elles
Vieux (masc.) / vieille (fem.) elles est vieille.
Jeune (masc. or fem.) Tu es jeune.
Petit (masc.) / petite (fem.) il est petit.
Grand (masc.) / grande (fem.) nous sommes grande.
In Kurdish language we don't have formal and informal also we don't have female and male pronouns!
So it must be easier.
Je = mn
nous = ema (plural-first person)
Tu = to (single-second person)
ewa = vous (plural-second person)
elle , il = aw (single- third person)
ils, elles = awan (plural- third person)
In kurdish we don't have verb to be! just like in Arabic we just need pronouns and verb to make a sentence.
Vieux (masc.) / vieille (fem.) = pir
Jeune (masc. or fem.) = Ganj
Petit (masc.) / petite (fem.) = bchuk
Grand (masc.) / grande (fem.) =Gawra
In kurdish we need small pronouns to make a full sentence have same meaning of "Tu es jeune."
Instead of verb to be!
mn / m > mn Ganjm. = Je suis jeune.
ema / yn > ema Ganjyn. = nous sommes jeune.
to / y > to ganjy. = Je est jeune.
ewa / n > ewa ganjn. = vous étes jeune.
aw / a > aw ganja. = il (elle) est jeune.
awan / n > awan ganjn. = ils (elles) est jeune.
Maryam and Fatima > elles
Ahmad and Yusuf > ils
Maryam and Kana > nous
Mansour and Ahmad > vous
Sonia and Ahmad and Fatima > elles
Maryam and Fatima and Yusuf > elles
Vieux (masc.) / vieille (fem.) elles est vieille.
Jeune (masc. or fem.) Tu es jeune.
Petit (masc.) / petite (fem.) il est petit.
Grand (masc.) / grande (fem.) nous sommes grande.
In Kurdish language we don't have formal and informal also we don't have female and male pronouns!
So it must be easier.
Je = mn
nous = ema (plural-first person)
Tu = to (single-second person)
ewa = vous (plural-second person)
elle , il = aw (single- third person)
ils, elles = awan (plural- third person)
In kurdish we don't have verb to be! just like in Arabic we just need pronouns and verb to make a sentence.
Vieux (masc.) / vieille (fem.) = pir
Jeune (masc. or fem.) = Ganj
Petit (masc.) / petite (fem.) = bchuk
Grand (masc.) / grande (fem.) =Gawra
In kurdish we need small pronouns to make a full sentence have same meaning of "Tu es jeune."
Instead of verb to be!
mn / m > mn Ganjm. = Je suis jeune.
ema / yn > ema Ganjyn. = nous sommes jeune.
to / y > to ganjy. = Je est jeune.
ewa / n > ewa ganjn. = vous étes jeune.
aw / a > aw ganja. = il (elle) est jeune.
awan / n > awan ganjn. = ils (elles) est jeune.
Kana- Messages : 22
Points : 24
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2012
Age : 33
Localisation : Kurdistan-Iraq
Re: Kana
بارك الله فيك
We collect all these info on kurdish and we'll make a full topic إن شاء الله.So in kurdish, it's like in arabic : we have مبتدأ and خبر.
Yes, I saw that you know some french pronouns.
Kana a écrit:Maryam and Fatima > elles
Ahmad and Yusuf > ils
Maryam and Kana > nous
Mansour and Ahmad > vous
Sonia and Ahmad and Fatima > (elles) no, because there is a male in the group, so it become masculine pronoun : ils.
Maryam and Fatima and Yusuf > (elles) ils
Vieux (masc.) / vieille (fem.) elles sont (est) vieilles. 99% of the plural form of nouns (and participe and adjectives) are with a final -s.
Jeune (masc. or fem.) Tu es jeune.
Petit (masc.) / petite (fem.) il est petit.
Grand (masc.) / grande (fem.) nous sommes grandes.
Another exercise. You have to master the verb être.
Correcte my sentences :
Tu sommes grande.
Yusuf sont jeune.
Fatima es vieille.
Nous est petits.
Ahmad, Fatima et toi es vieux.
Sonia est jeune.
Mansour- Admin
- Messages : 7669
Points : 14596
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011
Localisation : Ile-de-France
exercise 2:
Tu sommes grande. >Tu suis grande.
Yusuf sont jeune. >Yusuf est jeune.
Fatima es vieille. >Fatima est vieille.
Nous est petits. >Nous sommes petits.
Ahmad, Fatima et toi es vieux. > Ahmad, Fatima et toi sommes vieux.
Sonia est jeune. > Sonia est jeune.
Kana- Messages : 22
Points : 24
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2012
Age : 33
Localisation : Kurdistan-Iraq
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Apprendre les langues arabe et française :: Étude / دراسة / Study / Estudio :: Ouvre ton cahier d'élève / فتح دفتر الطالب / Open your student notebook / Abre tu cuaderno de estudiante
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