Hebrew grammar program - 13 - Pronominal Suffixes
Apprendre les langues arabe et française :: Philologie / عِلْمُ فقه اللُّغَةِ / Philology :: Langues chamito-sémitiques et africaines / لغات أفريقية آسيوية / Afro-Hamito-Semitic language :: Hébreu / عبرية / hebrew :: Hebrew grammar program
Hebrew grammar program - 13 - Pronominal Suffixes
Chapter 13
Pronominal Suffixes 4:16
Pronominal Suffixes on Li and Bi 9:16
Syntax of Li + Suffixes 2:05
Uses of Yaish and Ain 10:49
Perfect Tense III-Aleph Verbs 9:27
Relative Pronoun Asher 4:52
Mansour- Admin
- Messages : 7661
Points : 14586
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011
Localisation : Ile-de-France
» Hebrew grammar program - 24 - Introduction to Pronominal Suffixes on Verbs
» Hebrew grammar program - 15 - Introduction to Pronominal Suffixes on Irregular Forms
» Hebrew grammar program - 4 Accents
» Hebrew grammar program - 10 - Hebrew Verbs
Apprendre les langues arabe et française :: Philologie / عِلْمُ فقه اللُّغَةِ / Philology :: Langues chamito-sémitiques et africaines / لغات أفريقية آسيوية / Afro-Hamito-Semitic language :: Hébreu / عبرية / hebrew :: Hebrew grammar program