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My Poetry

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My Poetry  Empty My Poetry

Message par tw3ak1t Sam 18 Fév - 0:25

I was speaking to Victor, who suggested to put my poetry up here.

I will give you a sample and some links to my work in diverse languages....

My Blog - With easy links to my poems
My Entire Foreign Language Poetry
English Poetry

If you want to know more about me and my poetry visit my Wikiversity page, you can also leave a comment on some of my work on my blog, or on my poetry on the one of the separate web pages....

Wikiversity - Mohammad Nashir

Thanks Victor and everyone.

Here is a sample.....


Bonne Appetit!

Dangereuses les espirits.
Extasie la pression.
Meurtier l’intention
Parfum des la mort
Voici Mohammad l’editeur ecrit dans francais.
Français espirits.
Passion et l’amour !
Mort a partir de ci-dessus.
Puissance a l’ame.
Nouvelles de la mort.
Sans passion extase.
Eaux huileuses.
Livre avec aucune mots.
Bon appetit !


I want to fly

All alone
Flying the nest
I want to fly
To the sun
I want to go to the light
Don't be shy
On my toes
In my wings
I know
I will be free
To the sun
I go
I want to fly
All along the nest
The wind blows
But I know - I will make it
Lots of worms
Set my days
Straight through the universe
And the galaxy
To the sun, sun, sun.
Its cold
All alone
Let me fly.

The French poem may be a bit incorrect because I wrote it a long time ago and I am still writing French, it is a very passionate poem and I hope it makes sense like my English one.



Messages : 2
Points : 4
Date d'inscription : 17/02/2012

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My Poetry  Empty Re: My Poetry

Message par Mansour Sam 18 Fév - 1:12

Here a review of the french part :

(Bonne Appétit !) ? Appétit it's about hungry and food.

Dangereux les esprits.
Extasiée la pression.
Meurtrière l’intention
Parfum de la mort

Voici Mohammad l’éditeur écrit en français.

Esprit français.
Passion et amour !
Vaincu par ce qui précède. (Mort à partir de ci-dessus?)
Puissance de l’âme.
Nouvelles de la mort.
Sans passion extatique (?).
Eaux huileuses.
Livré sans aucun mot.

(Bon appétit !)

Just some problem with morphology of nouns gender. And take care of the accent cause it's both grammar and sound identity.

Like to see some farsi verses Muhammad, to still analyse words and farsi concepts. All languages of middle-east.

You are welcome ! Bienvenu !

Messages : 7672
Points : 14599
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011
Localisation : Ile-de-France

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My Poetry  Empty Hi Mansour

Message par tw3ak1t Sam 18 Fév - 1:22

I will post my Dari (dialect of Farsi) poetry first.

Before I post my Farsi.

Here you go...

این افغانستان است. (Dari) (Eyn Afghanistan Ast)

دختری قشنگ در دروازه طاق طاق مزنه.

چی بگیم برش، دلی من باد مشا هردافا من ایچ پول ندارم.

این افغانستان است.

پدری من در دسته تالیبان مرده.

این افغانستان است.

برادری من در دسته روسیه مرده.

این افغانستان است.

زنها من میگو جنگ خالص شد.

تشکر نه از افغانستان، تشکر از کسه افغانستان.


Messages : 2
Points : 4
Date d'inscription : 17/02/2012

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My Poetry  Empty Re: My Poetry

Message par Mansour Sam 18 Fév - 2:19

Very interesting, cultural, history, linguisticly and the feeling express.

With my semit study (and persan traductor), I can understand 20% of this text. Here we could point connection between european and semit languages.

Really Afghanistan is a fantastic human cross-road, through history !

You know the verbe être in french : il est from latin verb esta-re and compare to ست.
Many thing to tell here, but see also the closed meaning with semit concept در and درى and دار. In all case, it's about the direction, how the thing have to go, like "the Father" in his family, or "House" for moral value and folk. So what means DaRi excatly...

Some say that in Afghanistan was built an iron wall in this part of the world. Maybe Afghanistan is a DooR...

Messages : 7672
Points : 14599
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011
Localisation : Ile-de-France

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My Poetry  Empty Re: My Poetry

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