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Hebrew grammar program - Index -

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Message par Mansour Sam 1 Sep - 14:53

Chapter 1

Alphabet 14:22
Gutturals and Resh 0:54
Letters with Dots (Dagesh Lene) 4:25
Final Letter Forms 1:52
Letters that Look Similar 7:05
Letters that Sound the Same 3:18


Chapter 2

Vowels Introduction 11:59
Vowels Full Chart 9:07
Defective Writing 2:03
Syllables – Part 1 7:38
Syllables – Part 2 10:31
Furtive Patach 2:12


Chart: Vowel Chart

Chapter 3

Two Kinds of Shewa 4:22
Distinguishing Vocal/Silent Shewa - Part 1 3:16
Distinguishing Vocal/Silent Shewa - Part 2 10:19
Distinguishing Vocal/Silent Shewa - Part 3 6:48
Compound Shewa 7:17
Grammar Overview 6:22
Inseparable Prepositions 2:43
Rule of Shewa 9:05


Chapter 4

Accents 3:37
Metheg 10:28
Maqqeph 4:04
Qamets-Hatuph 5:53
Genesis 1:1-5 13:55


Chapter 5

Dagesh Lene 9:07
Dagesh Forte 13:29
Conjunctive Dagesh Forte 7:00
Mappiq 4:48
The Article 4:09
Article and Inseparable Prepositions 3:42
Uses of the Article 5:29


Chapter 6

Quiescent Letters 14:11
Gutturals and Resh – Part 2 4:53
“Coal Mine” Letters 2:31
Article before Weak Letters 11:40
Inseparable Prepositions on Definite Nouns – Part 2 5:41


Chart: Article before Weak Letters

Chapter 7

Some Definitions 2:02
The Noun 13:49
Gender Flip in Plural 4:28
The Dual 8:51
Sentences 6:07
Coordinating Conjunction 19:12
Translating the Conjunction 4:50


Chapter 8

Vowel Reduction in Nouns 12:19
Segholate Nouns 8:48
Common Monosyllabic Words 11:52
Preposition Min 11:25


Chapter 9

The Adjective 18:35
Syntax of the Adjective – Attributive 12:18
Syntax of the Adjective – Predicate 11:05
Syntax of the Adjective – Substantive 4:48
Comparisons with Min and Ki 8:39
Diphthongs 12:51
Historical Vowel Chart 2:16


Chapter 10

Hebrew Words 5:01
Hebrew Verbs 7:57
Perfect Tense 27:00
Parsing Verbs 4:32
Guttural Verbs in the Perfect Tense 11:41
Translating the Perfect Tense 7:43
Sign of the Accusative 9:10
Syntax of Verbal Sentences 11:25
Subject – Verb Agreement 10:47


Chapter 11

Pronouns 5:14
Independent Personal Pronouns 15:02
Independent Personal Pronouns – Uses 4:09
Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives 11:32
Uses of the Demonstrative 11:50


Chapter 12

Noun Case 11:31
The Construct Relationship 6:21
Changes to Construct Noun Endings 8:20
Changes to Construct Noun Vowels 10:37
Syntax of the Construct 12:32
Translating the Construct Relationship 11:28


Chapter 13

Pronominal Suffixes 4:16
Pronominal Suffixes on Li and Bi 9:16
Syntax of Li + Suffixes 2:05
Uses of Yaish and Ain 10:49
Perfect Tense III-Aleph Verbs 9:27
Relative Pronoun Asher 4:52


Chapter 14

Introduction to Pronominal Suffixes 3:55
Pronominal Suffixes on Masculine Singular Nouns 10:03
Pronominal Suffixes on Feminine Singular Nouns 9:21
Pronominal Suffixes on Masculine Plural Nouns 18:41
Pronominal Suffixes on Feminine Plural Nouns 4:20
Summary: Pronominal Suffixes on Nouns 5:40
Nouns Suffixes and Definiteness 3:07


Chapter 15

Introduction to Pronominal Suffixes on Irregular Forms 3:36
Suffixes on Bain and Shaim 4:49
Suffixes on Av and Ach 9:10
Suffixes on Segholate Nouns 8:09
Suffixes on Nouns with Diphthongs 2:27
Suffixes on Miscellaneous Forms 1:48
Suffixes on Im and Eit 5:36
Suffixes on El and Al 2:31
Summary 2:17


Chapter 16

Participles 6:01
Active Participle 3:54
Irregular Forms of the Active Participle 5:24
Syntax of the Active Participle – Attributive 8:33
Syntax of the Active Participle – Predicate 9:51
Syntax of the Active Participle – Substantive 5:10
Pronominal Suffixes on the Sign of the Accusative 8:58


Chapter 17

Imperfect Tense 18:12
II-Guttural Verbs and III-Guttural Verbs 5:34
Syntax of the Imperfect Tense 21:40
Directive He 6:14
Relative Clauses (Resumptive Pronouns/Adverb) 8:07


Chapter 18

Uses of the Tenses in Sequence 13:20
Past-Time Narrative Sequence 13:15
Future-Time Narrative (and Prophetic) Sequence 16:17
Varying Terminology 17:44
Historical Development 10:47
Accent Shift 5:54
Haya + Waw Consecutive 11:00


Chart: Sequence Tenses (Color) (Black & White)

Chapter 19

Introduction to Stative Verbs 2:17
Stative Verbs in the Perfect Tense 8:40
Stative Verbs and Adjectives 7:47
Stative Verbs in the Imperfect Tense 8:40
Interrogative Sentences – Part 1 11:29
Interrogative Sentences – Part 2 8:26


Chapter 20

Introduction to the Volitional Mood 2:50
Imperative 15:48
Jussive 4:34
Cohortative 4:26
Particle Na 1:48
Negative Al 8:01
Indirect Volitives (Volitive Sequence) 18:55


Chapter 21

Waw Disjunctive 16:28
Passive Participle 5:58
Syntax of the Passive Participle 10:01
Pause 12:37
Pronominal Suffixes on Min and Ki 13:12


Chapter 22

Infinitive Construct 6:15
Pronominal Suffixes on Infinitive Construct 18:17
Nominal Uses of Infinitive Construct 19:50
Verbal or Adverbial Uses of Infinitive Construct 27:38
Negating Infinitive Construct 3:01


Chapter 23

Infinitive Absolute 12:00
Syntax of Infinitive Absolute 25:34
Negating Infinitive Absolute 2:22
Pronominal Suffixes on Yaish and Ain 8:04
Pronominal Suffixes on Ayaih and Od 5:24


Chapter 24

Introduction to Pronominal Suffixes on Verbs 7:36
Pronominal Suffixes on the Perfect 23:02
Pronominal Suffixes on the Imperfect 11:07
Pronominal Suffixes on Imperatives 13:03


Chapter 25

Cardinal Numbers 1-10 24:00
Ordinal Numbers 4:52
Cardinal Numbers 11-19 8:44
Cardinal Numbers 20-99 5:58
Larger Numbers 15:41


Chapter 26

Introduction to Verbal Stems (Binyanim) 15:42
Strategy for Learning Hebrew Verbs 9:03
Niphal 12:17
Translating the Niphal 3:46
Translating the Niphal – Passive 4:42
Translating the Niphal – Reflexive 5:59
Translating the Niphal – Reciprocal 3:21


Chart: Strategy for Learning Hebrew Verbs
Lecture Slides: Ross Chapter 26 Slides

Chapter 27

Piel 25:44
Translating the Piel 2:43
Translating the Piel – Factitive 8:43
Translating the Piel – Denominative 2:34
Translating the Piel – Pluralizing / Intensive 2:55
Translating the Piel – Declarative 2:35


Lecture Slides: Ross Chapter 27 Slides

Chapter 28

Pual 10:19
Translating the Pual 3:25
Hinneh 2:44
Hinneh: Statement of Existence 5:11
Hinneh: Statement of Presentation 3:59
Hinneh Clause + Imperative 9:35


Lecture Slides: Ross Chapter 28 Slides

Chapter 29

Hithpael 10:48
Metathesis and Assimilation in the Hithpael 13:18
Translating the Hithpael 2:31
Translating the Hithpael – Reflexive 4:05
Translating the Hithpael - Indirect Reflexive 5:43
Translating the Hithpael – Reciprocal 3:47
Translating the Hithpael – Iterative 2:32
Translating the Hithpael – Estimative 3:23


Lecture Slides: Ross Chapter 29 Slides

Chapter 30

Hiphil 21:38
Translating the Hiphil 1:12
Translating the Hiphil – Causative 7:15
Translating the Hiphil – Inner Causative 3:28
Translating the Hiphil – Denominative 1:41
Translating the Hiphil – Declarative 1:57
Translating the Hiphil – Misc / Unclassified 2:24


Lecture Slides: Ross Chapter 30 Slides

Chapter 31

Hophal 12:21
Translating the Hophal 2:47


Lecture Slides: Ross Chapter 31 Slides

Chapter 32

Introduction to Weak (Irregular) Verbs 9:02
I-Guttural 1:20
I-Guttural: Qal Imperfect 12:15
I-Guttural: Qal Imperative 3:24
I-Guttural: Qal Infinitive Construct 2:17
I-Aleph 5:12
I-Aleph: Qal Imperfect 8:05
I-Aleph: Qal Imperative & Infinitive Construct 3:12


Lecture Slides: Ross Chapter 32 Slides

Chapter 33

I-Guttural (non-Qal) 1:20
I-Guttural: Niphal 7:09
I-Guttural: Hiphil 3:44
I-Guttural: Hophal 3:06
II-Guttural: Piel 7:07
II-Guttural: Pual 3:24
III-Guttural: Niphal 1:42
III-Guttural: Piel 1:20
III-Guttural: Hiphil 4:50
III-Aleph 1:44
III-Aleph: Niphal 4:09


Lecture Slides: Ross Chapter 33 Slides

Chapter 34

Introduction to I-Nun Verbs 8:15
I-Nun: Qal 3:59
I-Nun: Qal Imperfect 8:23
I-Nun: Qal Imperative 5:29
I-Nun: Qal Infinitive Construct 13:55
Irregular Laqach 6:29
I-Nun: Niphal 11:49
I-Nun: Hiphil 4:11
I-Nun: Hophal 4:10


Lecture Slides: Ross Chapter 34 Slides

Chapter 35

Introduction to I-Yod Verbs 2:49
I-Waw Qal 2:57
I-Waw: Qal Imperfect 8:37
I-Waw: Qal Imperative 5:04
I-Waw: Qal Infinitive Construct 2:50
I-Waw: Niphal 8:31
I-Waw: Hiphil 5:27
I-Waw: Hophal 4:13
I-Waw / III-Guttural: Hiphil 2:57
Irregular Halach 5:12
Original I-Yod Verbs 8:03
I-Yod: Qal Imperfect 4:56
I-Yod: Qal Imperative & Infinitive Construct 1:45
I-Yod: Hiphil 6:15


Lecture Slides: Ross Chapter 35 Slides

Chapter 36

Introduction to III-He Verbs 8:50
III-He: Qal 19:07
III-He: Qal Jussive & Preterite 2:02
III-He: Qal Cohortative 2:06
Pronominal Suffixes on III-He Verbs 2:25
Derived Stems 22:22
III-He: Jussive & Preterite – Shortened Forms 7:36


Lecture Slides: Ross Chapter 36 Slides

Chapter 37

Introduction to Doubly Weak Verbs 7:31
I-Guttural / III-He Verbs 1:52
I-Guttural / III-He: Qal 4:55
I-Guttural / III-He: Hiphil 6:03
Irregular Haya and Chaya 7:13
I-Nun / III-He Verbs 1:34
I-Nun / III-He: Qal 4:56
I-Nun / III-He: Hiphil 6:07
I-Waw / III-He: Hiphil 5:25
Single Letter Forms 6:01


Lecture Slides: Ross Chapter 37 Slides

Chapter 38

Introduction to Hollow Verbs 1:34
Hollow Verbs: Qal 6:26
Hollow Verbs: Qal Perfect 3:11
Hollow Verbs: Qal Participle 3:00
Hollow Verbs: Qal Imperfect, Jussive, Preterite 11:18
Hollow Verbs: Qal Imperative & Infinitive Construct 2:20
Pronominal Suffixes on Qal Hollow Verbs 1:31
Stative Hollow Verbs 4:51
Irregular Bo 3:05
Hollow Verbs: Niphal 8:17
Hollow Verbs: Hiphil 6:09
Pronominal Suffixes on Hiphil Hollow Verbs 2:12
Hollow Verbs: Hophal 2:37
Hollow / III-Guttural Verbs: Hiphil 9:27


Lecture Slides: Ross Chapter 38 Slides

Chapter 39

Introduction to Geminate Verbs 9:29
Geminates: Qal Perfect 9:30
Geminates: Qal Imperfect & Jussive 13:13
Geminates: Qal Preterite 0:56
Geminates: Qal Imperative 1:40
Geminates: Qal Infinitive Construct 1:47
Irregular Arar 4:02
Pronominal Suffixes on Geminate Verbs 1:32
Geminates: Niphal 8:28
Geminates: Piel 2:33
Geminates: Hiphil 5:22
Geminates: Hophal 5:05
Guttural / Geminate Verbs: Hiphil 4:20


Lecture Slides: Ross Chapter 39 Slides

Chapter 40

Introduction to Minor Stems 2:42
Polel, Polal, Hithpolel 9:30
Poel, Poal, Hithpoel 4:13
Palel, Pulal, Hithpalel 2:20
Pilpel, Polpel, Hithpalpel 3:19
Pealal 3:10
Quadriliteral Verbs 3:17
Qal Passive 4:07
Hishtaphel 3:22


Lecture Slides: Ross Chapter 40 Slides

Total Time 35:07:42

Messages : 7671
Points : 14598
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011
Localisation : Ile-de-France

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