Apprendre les langues arabe et française
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Shosho Empty Shosho

Message par Shosho Bar Ven 2 Nov - 21:24

why i'm studing french?

well ..i'm a person who really love to learn new languages i'm studying English-french languages .i'm really good at English..but i started to learn french a year ago i don't know lot about this language..i know some vocabulary and try to raise my level in it ..and know the (etre + Avoir )verbs..also passe compose ..and (greetings and introduction ) ..
but i really can't write a whole paragraph and that makes me upset :/

i will be grateful if someone can help me
shosho :)

Shosho Bar

Messages : 14
Points : 18
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2012
Age : 31
Localisation : palestine

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Shosho Empty Re: Shosho

Message par Mansour Ven 2 Nov - 22:43


Bienvenue !

The title of your message was changed, and now it's a place to ask for french lesson here.

Learn french in two ways :

  1. Phonetic
  2. Syntaxe البيان

Firs at all, about البيان, you need to know how to build an european sentence. See this lesson (in arabic) : here. It's the very basic.

Yes, the verb être and avoir are very important. We work with them, but first be sure to know the personal pronoun.

Here nouns (names) and give a correct personal pronoun for all, and add the verb être (present tense) following the pronoun :

Shosho >

Maryam and Fatima >

Ahmad and Yusuf >

Maryam and Shosho >

Mansour (me) >

Mansour and Ahmad >

Shosho and Ahmad and Fatima >

Maryam and Fatima and Yusuf >

See on the left RÉPONDRE : use it to let an answer here.

Messages : 7671
Points : 14598
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011
Localisation : Ile-de-France

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Shosho Empty answers

Message par Shosho Bar Sam 3 Nov - 0:15

Shosho > elle est

Maryam and Fatima > elles sont

Ahmad and Yusuf > ils sont

Maryam and Shosho > elles sont

Mansour (me) > je suis

Mansour and Ahmad > ils sont

Shosho and Ahmad and Fatima > ils sont

Maryam and Fatima and Yusuf > ils sont

Shosho Bar

Messages : 14
Points : 18
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2012
Age : 31
Localisation : palestine

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Shosho Empty Re: Shosho

Message par Mansour Sam 3 Nov - 0:19

Try to correct the mistakes :

Mansour it's me, and Shosho it's you.

6 pronouns :

1. Je / plur. Nous
2. Tu / plur. Vous
3. Il - Elle / plur. Ils - Elles

Messages : 7671
Points : 14598
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011
Localisation : Ile-de-France

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Shosho Empty Re: Shosho

Message par Shosho Bar Sam 3 Nov - 10:14

oops!! i considered that (shosho) as (elle)
and (mansour) as (il)

any way
shosho > je suis
mansour> tu es

thanks a lot :)

Shosho Bar

Messages : 14
Points : 18
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2012
Age : 31
Localisation : palestine

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Shosho Empty Re: Shosho

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