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Hadeel - Page 69 Empty Re: Hadeel

Message par Hadeel Mar 5 Nov - 1:46

You mean it's an adverb ? I can't understand where is the problem with the past translations. 
And I don't know how do you want to write it in arabic.

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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Hadeel - Page 69 Empty Re: Hadeel

Message par منصور Mer 6 Nov - 6:00

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

See the relation between the adverb and the adjective :

Il fait tellement bon dans ce chalet que les enfants refusent de retourner à Montréal.

The accentuation work on the adjective.

Messages : 2850
Points : 3505
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2013

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Hadeel - Page 69 Empty Re: Hadeel

Message par Hadeel Jeu 7 Nov - 0:02

و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته

See the relation between the adverb and the adjective :

Il fait tellement bon dans ce chalet que les enfants refusent de retourner à Montréal.
The accentuation work on the adjective.

And then... 

You didn't say how to write it in arabic.                                                                                     Honestly I can't know what do you exactly want to be done.


Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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Hadeel - Page 69 Empty Re: Hadeel

Message par منصور Jeu 7 Nov - 22:34

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Sorry, I made a mistake. It's not an adjective here, but an adverb.

We have intensification from the adverb tellement toward another adverb bon.

Anyway, as I said you before, it's not about temperature, but nice place to live. Il fait bon vivre dans ce chalet. > the word vivre is omitted.

Give me a suitable expression in arabic for "il fait bon vivre ici". Note that vivre ici is a جملة مصدريّة. Then bon is an adverb for vivre.

Messages : 2850
Points : 3505
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2013

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Hadeel - Page 69 Empty Re: Hadeel

Message par Hadeel Jeu 7 Nov - 23:49

و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته

Give me a suitable expression in arabic for "il fait bon vivre ici". Note that vivre ici is a جملة مصدريّة. Then bon is an adverb for vivre.
This is the only one that I can find :
العيش جيد في هذا الكوخ
العيش جميل في هذا الكوخ

I don't know If I can say :
يطيب العيش في هذا الكوخ

يطيب give the meaning that the life in this cottage is very nice or nice to live in this cottage.

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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Hadeel - Page 69 Empty Re: Hadeel

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