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L'analyse des noms déclinables et indéclinables et des phrases

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L'analyse des noms déclinables et indéclinables et des phrases Empty L'analyse des noms déclinables et indéclinables et des phrases

Message par Ibn Nacer Dim 8 Sep - 21:10

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
De bonnes explications du professeur Amr :

- (voir en particulier l'avant dernier message).

والله أعلم

Ibn Nacer

Messages : 1990
Points : 2234
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

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L'analyse des noms déclinables et indéclinables et des phrases Empty Re: L'analyse des noms déclinables et indéclinables et des phrases

Message par Ibn Nacer Dim 8 Sep - 21:14

Ibn Nacer a écrit:
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
De bonnes explications du professeur Amr :

- (voir en particulier l'avant dernier message).

والله أعلم
Un passage concernant l'autre fil :

(B) The Mabniyy

Mabniyy nouns comprise several categories (I've listed 16 categories on the chart some of which occur more commonly and frequently than others) but they are almost all closed classes, that is to say, classes that are composed of limited and fixed sets of items. For example, there only so many personal pronouns (dama'ir) or so many indicative pronouns (asma' isharah) in Arabic. In other words, these classes cannot be extended and expanded beyond the number of items normally listed for them. This is contrary to open classes where the number of items belonging to each class is not fixed and can therefore be increased indefinitely. With respect to the mu'rab categories they all constitute open classes with the exception of the five/six nouns.

Moreover, mabniyy nouns (as is the case with all mabniyy words) considered mabniyy because of their (fairly) fixed and unchanging endings, and therefore do not have declensions as is the case with mu'rab words. Their endings could either be fixed in the form of a constant sukun, fathah, kasrah or dammah. Even though mabniyy nouns lack any sort of declension, it does not not prevent them from being able to occupy places and positions of declension. In fact, they always do and have to occupy such places (with the possible exception of one or two insignificant categories). In other words, there is generally speaking no noun (mu'rab or mabniyy) when used in a sentence except that it will have to occupy one of the places of declension listed for mu'rab nouns listed above. Whilst their endings do not change when occupying these places, and hence cannot be said to be marfu', mansub or majrur, we say instead that they are mabniyy (fixed) on such and such a sign in the mahall (place) of raf', nasb, or jarr as the fa'il, maf'ul bihi or masbuq biharf jarr, for example (we would, for example, analyse the taa' of جَلَسْتُ as follows: ضمير متصل مبني على الضم في محل رفع فاعل )

Ibn Nacer

Messages : 1990
Points : 2234
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

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