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Traduction histoire arabe - français

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Message par Adel Medine Mar 24 Déc - 13:43

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Hadeel a écrit:But why do you put فتحه on the last letter ت ?  

Because I made an error grammatical parsing and identifying the wrong subject. Why ? Because I didn't identify the correct root of verb.

I think this final why is reasonable because I suppose that for masculine this verb isn't conjugate like for feminine. 

Hadeel a écrit:Do you mean الأفعال المعتلة الآخر ?

I study the arabic vocabulary about the arabic grammar. Yes I think it's means that what you say.

Follows the lesson vocabularies about verbs with 'special' letters

المُعْتَلُ  : l'affaibli, weakened => one of three radicale with ي or  و

المُعْتَلُ الفاءِ or المِثالُ : => only one first radicale with ي or  و

المُعْتَلُ العَيْنِor  الأَجْوَفُ : le creux, hollow => only the second radicale with ي or  و

المُعْتَلُ اللامِ or ناقِصُ : le déficient, defective => only the third radicale with ي or  و

اللَفِيفُ : => two radicales with ي or  و

For the moment i study المُعْتَلُ العَيْنِ or الأَجْوَفُ and i need more practise and listening for this 'special lesson'. I mean it's an important new thing for me.

Hadeel a écrit:My name is written like this هديل.
But what do you mean of " usual name" ?

There are 2 things that I recognize in your name
First "ي" indicate us the participe present (pattern فَعيل).
Second an etymon "دل" present and in the same position like my name 

What means your name ? I found "roucouler"/"croon" (almany) for the root هدل so with the pattern it means who croon ? 

I said "usual name" because my "first" first name is رابَحْ

Adel Medine

Messages : 643
Points : 655
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2013

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Message par Hadeel Jeu 26 Déc - 1:00

و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته

I study the arabic vocabulary about the arabic grammar. Yes I think it's means that what you say.
Follows the lesson vocabularies about verbs with 'special' letters
المُعْتَلُ  : l'affaibli, weakened => one of three radicale with ي or  و
المُعْتَلُ الفاءِ or المِثالُ : => only one first radicale with ي or  و
المُعْتَلُ العَيْنِor  الأَجْوَفُ : le creux, hollow => only the second radicale with ي or  و
المُعْتَلُ اللامِ or ناقِصُ : le déficient, defective => only the third radicale with ي or  و
اللَفِيفُ : => two radicales with ي or  و
For the moment i study المُعْتَلُ العَيْنِ or الأَجْوَفُ and i need more practise and listening for this 'special lesson'. I mean it's an important new thing for me
So you study الأفعال المعتلة or ( الفعل المعتل ).
and الأفعال المعتلة الآخر which you call them المعتل الام أو ناقص is a part of them, the verb دعت or دعا is an example of الفعل الناقص because of that I thought that you studying الفعل المعتل الآخر.

There are 2 things that I recognize in your name
First "ي" indicate us the participe present (pattern فَعيل).
Second an etymon "دل" present and in the same position like my name. 
What means your name ? I found "roucouler"/"croon" (almany) for the root هدل so with the pattern it means who croon ? 
This is the first time that I try to analyse my name, after searching I found that it's a مصدر refers to a voice, there are many words which are in the same case like :
 صَهيل  (the voice of the horse)
 رَنين (the voice of the bell)
The known meaning of my name is "the voice of the doves" صوت الحمام, may be there are many other meaning can be found in the dictionary but this is the most known meaning.

I said "usual name" because my "first" first name is رابَحْ
I hear of this name but with a كسرة on the letter ب , this name is known in the Maghreb, I don't know is it the same name ?
رابِح (on the pattern فاعل ).

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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Message par Adel Medine Jeu 26 Déc - 9:16

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Hadeel a écrit:I hear of this name but with a كسرة on the letter ب , this name is known in the Maghreb, I don't know is it the same name ?
رابِح (on the pattern فاعل ).

yes I am an Algerian and African Berber and رابَحْ often refers to the name of our grand father. I known many friends from Algeria with this name

There are many way for write and say from the root in addition to رابِح (on the pattern فاعل ).

رابَحْ on pattern فَاعَلَ (verb form III) it's wrote like this on my administrative document.(without °)

Remark that بلال بن رباح, first muezzin in Islam, with the name on pattern فَعَالَ 

Hadeel a écrit:This is the first time that I try to analyse my name, after searching I found that it's a مصدر refers to a voice, there are many words which are in the same case like :
 صَهيل  (the voice of the horse)
 رَنين (the voice of the bell)
Ok I thought فَعِيل (as an adjective) and ignored if it's an equivalence with a مصدر (action name). Probably for some words it is and not for others ? I think about  صَديق  : Ami,  جَميع : Ensemble

Adel Medine

Messages : 643
Points : 655
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2013

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Message par Hadeel Ven 27 Déc - 1:29

و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته

Ok I thought فَعِيل (as an adjective) and ignored if it's an equivalence with a مصدر (action name). Probably for some words it is and not for others ? I think about  صَديق  : Ami,  جَميع : Ensemble
Yes, فعيل as a مصدر can give other meanings. 
And also can be used in other contexts and meanings, not only the action name you know.

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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Message par Adel Medine Lun 30 Déc - 18:28


Hadeel, Jamel.ali and the others, you can see this post where we are translating stories of Judah. Arabic to french.

Adel Medine

Messages : 643
Points : 655
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2013

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