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Introduction To The Syriac-Aramaic Language

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Introduction To The Syriac-Aramaic Language  Empty Introduction To The Syriac-Aramaic Language

Message par Admin Dim 9 Oct - 9:00

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Table Of Contents

Aramaic Study Books:

  • Masaqto Hdato dQéryono Sooryoyooto (PDF -- Reading Exercises -- In Syriac w/ Syriac-Arabic Lexicon)
  • Syriac New Method Readers -- Book 1 (DjVu -- Reading Exercises -- In Syriac w/ Syriac-Arabic Lexicon)

    © Scanned with permission of His Eminence Mor Ephrem Karim Archbishop of the East of the United States of America.
  • Syriac New Method Readers -- Book 2 (DjVu -- Reading Exercises -- In Syriac w/ Syriac-Arabic Lexicon)

    © Scanned with permission of His Eminence Mor Ephrem Karim Archbishop of the East of the United States of America.
  • Syriac New Method Readers -- Book 3 (DjVu -- Reading Exercises -- In Syriac w/ Syriac-Arabic Lexicon)

    © Scanned with permission of His Eminence Mor Ephrem Karim Archbishop of the East of the United States of America.


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Messages : 2568
Points : 5510
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011

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Introduction To The Syriac-Aramaic Language  Empty Learn to read

Message par Admin Dim 9 Oct - 9:24


Messages : 2568
Points : 5510
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2011

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