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Anecdotes de Juha

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Message par Ibn Nacer Lun 17 Fév - 20:35

Hadeel a écrit:و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته

The preposition إلى also has the meaning of "jusque".
You mean when حتى and الى have the same meaning (ending of :  period of time, place....) translated by "jusque".
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

I'm just saying that these two particules can have the meaning of "jusque" in some contexts.

It's like in English, right? These two particules can have the meaning of  "till, until", right?

Example with إلى

صُمْتُ إلى المغرب / I fasted till sunset / J'ai jeûné jusqu’au coucher du soleil.

Wa Allâhu a'lam.

Ibn Nacer

Messages : 1990
Points : 2234
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

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Message par Ibn Nacer Lun 17 Fév - 22:15

Hadeel a écrit:

وَلا تَفْكِرُ طَوٍيلاً فِي ما يَهْمُكَ

Et ne penses pas trop à te donner des soucis
وَلا تُفْكِّرْ طَوٍيلاً فِي ما يُهِمُّك

In red, I think it is the verb: هَمَّ - يَهُمُّ so I think it's فِي مَا يَهُمُّكَ, what do you think ?

Adel, ici ما est je pense un pronom relatif (ce qui, ce que, celui qui...)

Pour la traduction je dirais comme toi mise à part cette partie contenant le pronom relatif  : "Et ne penses pas trop à ce qui te cause/donne des soucis".

Wa Allâhu a'lam.

Ibn Nacer

Messages : 1990
Points : 2234
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

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Message par Ibn Nacer Lun 17 Fév - 22:51

Hadeel a écrit:
قالَ الشَيْخُ يَوْماً خُلاصَةُ الطِبِ أَنْ تُدْفِئ رِجَلَيْكَ وَتُرْبِدُ رَأَسَكَ 
وَتَعْتَنِي بِطَعامِكَ 
Le Cheikh dit un jour : L'essentielle de la médecine est que tu te couvres tes pieds et te rafraîchies ta tête et prennes soin de moi avec ta nourriture. 

وَلا تَفْكِرُ طَوٍيلاً فِي ما يَهْمُكَ

Et ne penses pas trop à te donner des soucis prends soin de moi avec ta nourriture.
Why do you put "moi" here, he said : take care of your food.

وَتَعْتَنِي بِطَعامِكَ
Adel Medine a écrit: prends soin de moi avec ta nourriture.
Why do you put "moi" here, he said : take care of your food.

Because I identified in  وَتَعْتَنِي that the last letter(ي) is the possession mark. The terminaison نِي indicate the same thing I think. Else where there are humour ?
Il s'agit du verbe اِعْتَنَى - يَعْتَنِي sa racine ع ن ي, le nûn et le yâ- sont donc des radicales (ce n'est donc pas le pronom).

Regarde la conjugaison de ce verbe ici : اِعْتَنَى - يَعْتَنِي inchâ-a Allâh.

On a أنتَ تَعْتَنِي


I propose this translation :

Le Chaykh dit un jour : L'essentiel de la médecine consiste à ce que tu couvres tes pieds, rafraîchisses ta tête, prennes soin de ta nourriture et ne penses pas trop à ce qui te cause des soucis.

Wa Allâhu a'lam.

Dernière édition par Ibn Nacer le Mar 18 Fév - 17:45, édité 1 fois

Ibn Nacer

Messages : 1990
Points : 2234
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

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Message par Ibn Nacer Lun 17 Fév - 23:17

Hadeel a écrit:

قالَ الشَّيْخُ يَوْماً : خُلاصَةُ الطِّبِ أَنْ تُدْفِئ رِجلَيْكَ وَتُبْردَ رَأَسَكَ 
وَتَعْتَنِي بِطَعامِكَ 
وَلا تُفْكِّرْ طَوٍيلاً فِي ما يُهِمُّك

I think is تُفَكِّر.

For you the sentence (لا تُفكِّرْ طَوٍيلاً فِي ما يهِمك) is a prohibition ? I say that because you put the verb madjûm (with sukûn).

I think the sentence وَلا تُفكِّرْ طَوٍيلاً فِي ما يهِمك  is not independent, it is as if we had خُلاصَةُ الطِّبِ أَنْ لا تُفكِّرْ طَوٍيلاً فِي ما يهِمك, is not it?

In this case, I don't know if this sentense is negation or prohibition but if it is a simple negation then the verb تُفكِّرْ must be marfû3 (تُفَكِّرُ), right ?

Ibn Nacer

Messages : 1990
Points : 2234
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

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Message par Hadeel Mar 18 Fév - 16:01

و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته

Because I identified in  وَتَعْتَنِي that the last letter(ي) is the possession mark. The terminaison نِي indicate the same thing I think. Else where there are humour ?
يعتني is the present of إعتنى, we say :
أنا أعتني بطعامك
أنت تعتني بطعامك

Yes there is no humour here ! not like the previous stories !

In your correction of vowel that you put vowel ُ instead َ . So, it's because it's a passive form ?
Do you mean in يهمك  ? 
You mean this :

Hadeel wrote:

وَلا تَفْكِرُ طَوٍيلاً فِي ما يَهْمُكَ

Et ne penses pas trop à te donner des soucis

وَلا تُفْكِّرْ طَوٍيلاً فِي ما يُهِمُّك

In red, I think it is the verb: هَمَّ - يَهُمُّ so I think it's فِي مَا يَهُمُّكَ, what do you think ?

The verb هَمِّ - يَهُمُّ means to start to do something : ( يَهُمُّ بالكتابه  he start writing , يَهُمُّ بالخروج he start to get out )
But here the verb أهَمَّ - يُهِمُّ : to concern or worry about something.
In this text the meaning don't think too much about your worries or things you concern about.

I'm just saying that these two particules can have the meaning of "jusque" in some contexts. 

It's like in English, right? These two particules can have the meaning of  "till, until", right?

Example with إلى

صُمْتُ إلى المغرب / I fasted till sunset / J'ai jeûné jusqu’au coucher du soleil.
Yes this is what do I mean :
صمت الى المغرب and صمت حتى المغرب  give the meaning of "end of time period" , in other way the time of fasting ends on المغرب , the word after الى or حتى.

I think is تُفَكِّر.

For you the sentence (لا تُفكِّرْ طَوٍيلاً فِي ما يهِمك) is a prohibition ? I say that because you put the verb madjûm (with sukûn).

I think the sentence وَلا تُفكِّرْ طَوٍيلاً فِي ما يهِمك  is not independent, it is as if we had خُلاصَةُ الطِّبِ أَنْ لا تُفكِّرْ طَوٍيلاً فِي ما يهِمك, is not it?

In this case, I don't know if this sentense is negation or prohibition but if it is a simple negation then the verb تُفكِّرْ must be marfû3 (تُفَكِّرُ), right ?
About لا تفكر I have two cases :
- I suppose the لا is لا الناهيه so the verb will be مجزوم بالسكون .
- The other case there is واو العطف before لا تفكر so the verb here معطوف on the preceded verbs which they are منصوب.
( أن تدفئ , و تبردَ, و تعتنيَ )
And I think لا  here could be لا النافيه.

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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