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Anecdotes de Juha

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Message par Ibn Nacer Mer 29 Jan - 19:10

Hadeel a écrit:السلام عليكم

I rewrote the story with the all the corrections according to your notes :

رأى الشيخ نصر الدين أفندي في منامه أن شخصاً أعطاه تسعة
دراهم بدلاً من عشرة كان يطلبها منه فاختلفا وتنازعا ولما احتدم بينهما
الجدال أفاق من نومه مذعوراً فلم ير في يده شيئاً فتكدر ولام نفسه
على طمعها وعاد فاستلقى في الفراش وأنزل رأسه تحت اللحاف ومد
يده إلى خصمه الموهوم قائلاً هاتها تسعة ولا تزعل

Le cheik Nasrudin Afandi vit dans son rêve qu'une personne lui donna neuf dirhams au lieu des dix qu'il lui demandait, ils eurent alors un différend et se disputèrent et quand le débat devint vif entre eux il se réveilla effrayé et alors il ne vit rien dans sa main, il devint donc très triste et il se reprocha sa cupidité, et il se recoucha dans le lit, mit sa tête sous la couette et tendit sa main à son adversaire imaginaire en disant : donne m'en neuf et ne te fâche pas !

How is it now ?

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

We can delete the parts in blue. And I replaced "donne moi neuf" by ": donne m'en neuf" because the word دراهم is "sous-entendu" (sorry I do not know how to say this word in English). I also replaced "al" by "le".

PS : Perhaps it would be better to replace "et alors il ne vit rien dans sa main" by "et vit alors qu'il n'y avait rien dans sa main" (but in this case, the translation is less literal).

Wa Allâhu a'lam.

Ibn Nacer

Messages : 1990
Points : 2234
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

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 Anecdotes de Juha - Page 14 Empty Re: Anecdotes de Juha

Message par Hadeel Jeu 30 Jan - 1:10

السلام عليكم

I replaced "donne moi neuf" by ": donne m'en neuf" because the word دراهم is "sous-entendu
You mean the "en" the translation of ها in هاتها ? I mean ها refers to الدراهم.
Sous-entendu could mean " imply " or " tacit " (in literaly meaning )

Perhaps it would be better to replace "et alors il ne vit rien dans sa main" by "et vit alors qu'il n'y avait rien dans sa main" (but in this case, the translation is less literal).
Yes maybe the literal meaning not suitable all the time.
Thank you for the notes.

In the story I used the simple past for most of the verbs, I want to ask can I use the "passé composé" to express the past instead of the simple past ?

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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 Anecdotes de Juha - Page 14 Empty Re: Anecdotes de Juha

Message par Ibn Nacer Jeu 30 Jan - 20:05

Hadeel a écrit:السلام عليكم

I replaced "donne moi neuf" by ": donne m'en neuf" because the word دراهم is "sous-entendu
You mean the "en" the translation of ها in هاتها ? I mean ها refers to الدراهم.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

Yes, I think that the pronoun ها refers to الدراهم. But I did not know this usage in Arabic (هاتها تسعة), I assumed it was equivalent to: أعطني تسعة منها but I do not know if this is correct.

In this case the pronouns ها and "en" refer to الدراهم

Hadeel a écrit:
In the story I used the simple past for most of the verbs, I want to ask can I use the "passé composé" to express the past instead of the simple past ?

In this case I think the use of the simple past is best. The simple past is often used in narrative texts: stories, tales, historical texts... For me in this case the use of the "passé composé" would ring false (sonnerait faux).

Wa Allâhu a'lam.

Ibn Nacer

Messages : 1990
Points : 2234
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

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 Anecdotes de Juha - Page 14 Empty Re: Anecdotes de Juha

Message par Hadeel Jeu 30 Jan - 23:30

السلام عليكم 

But I did not know this usage in Arabic (هاتها تسعة), I assumed it was equivalent to: أعطني تسعة منها but I do not know if this is correct. 

Here the sentence should be written like this :
 هات تسعة دراهم بدلا من عشرة دراهم
أعطني تسعة دراهم بدلا من عشرة دراهم
and instead of write دراهم we can write it like this :
هاتها تسعة بدلا من عشرة
and we can write it in a shorter way :
هاتها تسعة  , this means give me nine instead of ten and don't be angry !

Thank you...

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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 Anecdotes de Juha - Page 14 Empty Re: Anecdotes de Juha

Message par Ibn Nacer Ven 31 Jan - 16:05

Hadeel a écrit:السلام عليكم 

But I did not know this usage in Arabic (هاتها تسعة), I assumed it was equivalent to: أعطني تسعة منها but I do not know if this is correct. 

Here the sentence should be written like this :
 هات تسعة دراهم بدلا من عشرة دراهم
أعطني تسعة دراهم بدلا من عشرة دراهم
and instead of write دراهم we can write it like this :
هاتها تسعة بدلا من عشرة
and we can write it in a shorter way :
هاتها تسعة  , this means give me nine instead of ten and don't be angry !

Thank you...
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

Bâraka Allâhu fîki.

So in English, the pronoun ها in هاتها تسعة is not translated, is not it ? I think in English there is no equivalent of the French pronoun "en", right?

Wa Allâhu a'lam.

Ibn Nacer

Messages : 1990
Points : 2234
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

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