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Anecdotes de Juha

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 Anecdotes de Juha - Page 15 Empty Re: Anecdotes de Juha

Message par Hadeel Ven 31 Jan - 23:58

السلام عليكم

So in English, the pronoun ها in هاتها تسعة is not translated, is not it ? I think in English there is no equivalent of the French pronoun "en", right?

Yes I don't think there is a pronoun can match the same meaning of "en", but if I want to translate هاتها تسعة literally to English I can write like this : 
Give it to me nine or give it nine to me.  But it doesn't often written like this, as I know.

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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 Anecdotes de Juha - Page 15 Empty Re: Anecdotes de Juha

Message par Ibn Nacer Sam 1 Fév - 0:20

Hadeel a écrit:السلام عليكم

So in English, the pronoun ها in هاتها تسعة is not translated, is not it ? I think in English there is no equivalent of the French pronoun "en", right?

Yes I don't think there is a pronoun can match the same meaning of "en", but if I want to translate هاتها تسعة literally to English I can write like this : 
Give it to me nine or give it nine to me.  But it doesn't often written like this, as I know.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

Bâraka Allâhu fîki.

Ibn Nacer

Messages : 1990
Points : 2234
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

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Message par Hadeel Sam 1 Fév - 0:37

Bâraka Allâhu fîki.
 و فيك بارك الله و جزاك خيرا
For correction the translation.

If you don't mind and have time for help in translation, can I start translating the next story and post it here ?

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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 Anecdotes de Juha - Page 15 Empty Re: Anecdotes de Juha

Message par Ibn Nacer Sam 1 Fév - 1:14

Hadeel a écrit:
Bâraka Allâhu fîki.
 و فيك بارك الله و جزاك خيرا
For correction the translation.

If you don't mind and have time for help in translation, can I start translating the next story and post it here ?
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
وأنتم فجزاكم الله خيرا

Yes of course you can post your translation.

Everyone can participate to make remarks/notes, to propose translations or corrections ...

Wa Allâhu a'lam.

Ibn Nacer

Messages : 1990
Points : 2234
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

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 Anecdotes de Juha - Page 15 Empty Re: Anecdotes de Juha

Message par Hadeel Mer 12 Fév - 1:47

السلام عليكم 

Yes of course you can post your translation. 

Everyone can participate to make remarks/notes, to propose translations or corrections ... 
Thank you for helping.

I tried to translate another story, and I choose this one :

قصد جحا أحد البساتين المقفلة يحمل سلماً فأسند السلم إلى
السياج وتسلقه حتى إذا وصل إلى أعلى السياج سحبه وأنزله من
الداخل ثم نزل عليه فرأى البستاني ينتظره عند أسفل السلم وسمعه
يقول من أنت وماذا تعمل هنا قال أنا بائع سلالم فقال البستاني ومتى
كانت السلالم تباع هنا فأجابه الشيخ ما شاء الله ألا تدري أن السلالم
تباع في كل مكان

Juha went to one of the closed orchard carrying a ladder then he leaned the ladder on the fence and climb it up and when he reached the top of the fence he pulled it and put it inside the orchard and he get down by it, he saw the orchardman waiting for him at the bottom of the ladder and heard him saying : who are you? and what are you doing here ? he answered : I'm a ladders vendor. 
The orchardman said : and when the ladders were sold here ?
The Shaikh respond : Ma shaa' Allah you don't know that the ladders are sold everywhere!

- ( ومتى كانت السلالم تباع هنا I translated this question literally but the meaning of this question can be : is it normal place to sell the ladders ?) 
- ما شاء الله we usually use it when we want to disapprove something ( we see or hear ).

In French :
Juha se rendit à protégé verger portant une échelle puis il appuya la échelle à la clôture et la grimpa et quand atteignit le haut de la clôture il la tira et la descendit interne le verger et descendit par elle, il alors vit le jardinier en bas de l'échelle et lui entendit dire : Qui êtes vous ? et que faites vous ici ? 
Il dit : Je suis un marchand d'échelles.
puis le jardinier dit : et quand les échelles étaient vendues ici ? 
Le Cheik répondit : Ma shaa' Allah vous ne savez pas que les échelles sont vendues partout !

I have a question :
- Can I write (  quand on vendait les échelles ici ) instead of ( quand les échelles étaient vendues ici ) ?

Messages : 226
Points : 237
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013
Localisation : Jordan

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