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Racine [غ ي ي]

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 Racine [غ ي ي] Empty Racine [غ ي ي]

Message par Ibn Nacer Mer 24 Aoû - 20:19

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

J'ouvre ce fil pour la racine [غ ي ي]...

Ibn Nacer

Messages : 1990
Points : 2234
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

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 Racine [غ ي ي] Empty Re: Racine [غ ي ي]

Message par Ibn Nacer Mer 24 Aoû - 20:45

Certaines formes ne se trouvent pas dans certains dictionnaires... J'ai trouvé peu d'informations sur la forme I, pourtant elle semble utilisée...

 Racine [غ ي ي] Ghyy10

La forme II (غَيَّا) :

معجم الغني - غَيَّا : ]غ ي ي]. (ف: ربا. لازمتع. م. بحرف). غَيَّيْتُ، أُغَيِّي، غَيِّ، مص. تَغْيِيَةٌ غَيَّا الرَّايَةَ: نَصَبَهَا وَأَقَامَهَا غَيَّا وَلَدَهُ: جَعَلَ لَهُ غَايَةً غَيَّا الشَّيْءَ: جَعَلَ لَهُ نِهَايَةً غَيَّتِ الطُّيورُ عَلَى الأَشْجارِ: رَفْرَفَتْ.

الرائد - غيا : (غيي) 1-«الغاية»، أي الراية: نصبها. 2-القوم أو لهم: جعل لهم غاية. 3-الطائر على الشيء: رفرف. 4-الشيء: جعل له نهاية.

المعجم الوسيط - غيا : الْغَايَة نصبها وأقامها وَفُلَانًا جعل لَهُ غَايَة وَالشَّيْء جعل لَهُ نِهَايَة فَهُوَ مغيا

Ibn Nacer

Messages : 1990
Points : 2234
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

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 Racine [غ ي ي] Empty Re: Racine [غ ي ي]

Message par منصور Mer 24 Aoû - 21:10

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

Il y a un mécanisme morphosématique ici, par ce verbe aux deux lettres dites malléables/modulables.

Nous avons le concept de recouvrir/être par-dessus avec le phone غ et indique que qqc est dissimulé.
Les lettres modulables vont indiquer :
ي activité intense
و soumission, liaison
ى indique un fait, un événement, et ne fera pas partie d'une racine.

Nous avons :

غوو ou غو qui, conjugué, nous donne غوى : errer, insister en vain, désirer en vain (lane's lexicon p 88).

غيي et conjugué, غى : créer/fonder une bannière/drapeau/partie (p95).

Le concept غ peut s'assimiler à un filet qui recouvre et capture des éléments. Le concept : être sous emprise de qqc.

Ce mécanisme sémantique du ي et و dans une racine se retrouve dans l'infinitif حيّ. Il est question de vie, mais aussi de serpent, deux aspects liés dans la culture sémite. Ce sera les lettres modulables qui vont nuancer et différencier le sens.


Le clavier arabe sur son ordinateur, cliquer ici.

Messages : 3050
Points : 3783
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2013

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 Racine [غ ي ي] Empty Re: Racine [غ ي ي]

Message par Ibn Nacer Mer 24 Aoû - 21:23

Wâw, tu as répondu rapidement !

Il se peut que la forme I n'existe pas, j'ai ouvert aussi ce fil : The root [غ ي ي]

Ibn Nacer

Messages : 1990
Points : 2234
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

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 Racine [غ ي ي] Empty Re: Racine [غ ي ي]

Message par Ibn Nacer Mer 24 Aoû - 21:27

Un mot important (utilisé notamment dans les explications des sens de certaines particules) :

Le Lane's lexicon :

غَايَةٌ, originally غيية غَيَيَةٌ], (TA,) The utmost, or extreme, extent, term, limit, point, or reach; or the extremity; of a thing; (MA, KL, PS;) in respect of time and of place; (MA, PS;) syn. مَدًى, (S, Msb, K, TA,) and مُنْتَهًى: (M,TA:) pl. ↓ غَاىٌ, (S, Msb, K, *) [or rather this is a coll. gen. n.,] and [the pl. properly so termed is] غَايَاتٌ. (Msb.) [Hence, A goal to which racers run; as is indicated in the TA. And A scope; an object to be reached or accomplished, or that one has in view.

And The ultimate object or intent of an action or a saying. And The ultimate import of a word: thus in the phrase, يُطْلَقُ بِاعْتِبَارِ غَايَتِهِ It is used with regard, or respect, to its ultimate import: opposed in this sense to مَبْدَأٌ.

And The utmost degree, maximum, climax, or acme, that is, or may be, attained.] And The utmost of one's power or ability, i. e., of one's deed: thus in the saying, غَايَتُكَ أَنْ تَفْعَلَ كَذَا [The utmost of thy power or ability, or of thy deed, is, or will be, thy doing such a thing].

(Msb.)  or thing, and persons or things, superlative, or consummate, in eminence or baseness, in goodness or evilness; that has, or have, attained the utmost degree therein. And, applied to a medicine, &c., Possessing the utmost efficacy, or efficiency, لِكَذَا for such a thing.] ―

-b2- مَدًى, A space that is, or that is to be, traversed; or an extent, or the space between two points or limits: whence اِبْتِدَآءُ غَايَةٍ, and اِنْتِهَآءُ غَايَةٍ, The beginning, and the end, of a space between two points or limits.] ―

-b3- And i. q. غَلْوَةٌ, meaning [A bow-shot; or] a shot of an arrow to the utmost possible distance. (Msb in art. غلو.)

-A2- Also A banner, or standard: (S, Msb, K:) pl. غَايَاتٌ (Msb, TA) and [coll. gen. n.] ↓ غَاىٌ. (K, TA.) ―

-b2- And A banner (رَايَة) which the vintner used to raise [or set up] in order that he might be known to be a seller of wine. (TA.) oce عُقَابٌ.] ―

-b3- And A cloud that is alone; apart from others: or that is falling, or alighting. (TA.) ―

-b4- And Birds flapping their wings, or fluttering, in the air, without moving from their place; or doing thus around a thing, desiring to alight upon it. (TA. [See 2.]) ―

-b5- And The قصبة ahoma]قَصَبَة, generally meaning reed, or cane, but what is meant by it here I know not,] with which small birds (عَصَافِيز) are taken, or caught, or sought to be taken or caught. (TA.)

Ibn Nacer

Messages : 1990
Points : 2234
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

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 Racine [غ ي ي] Empty Re: Racine [غ ي ي]

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